sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010

Últimas notícias da UTMB 2010

Acabo de receber e-mail da direção da prova UTMB (ver abaixo) a qual - em resumo - explica que:

1) As condições meteorológicas mudaram subitamente obrigando-os a tomar algumas decisões e que no meio da noite não foi possível manter todos informados.

2) A decisão de suspender a prova não foi fácil e somente foi tomada no intuito de preservar a integridade física dos competidores.

3) Ninguém pode garantir que  eventos em montanhas estejam livres desse tipo de intempéries da natureza.

4) Garante 2 pontos para quem foi obrigado a parar em Trient e 3 pontos para quem ficou em Vallorcine (garanto assim os meus "sofridos" pontos).

5) Em relação a possíveis reembolsos, os custos serão analisados e a decisão vai ser divulgada no período das inscrições para 2011.

Leia abaixo o texto na íntegra:


Hello to you all,
The 2010 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® will remain engraved in our memories for a long time.

Indeed, we had, very suddenly, particularly difficult weather conditions which forced us to make essential decisions to avoid the worst possible outcome.
The disappointment, frustration and a lot of questions were the logical results of a weekend, anticipated for so long and which was so disrupted. We wish, at first, to remind you that the organisation of this event is above all a passion, not only for the steering committee but for all the volunteers and all the Communes. We are all bitter that the weather conditions brought months of preparation and hope to an abrupt end. At the same time we are very happy that the outcome was not a grave accident to be regretted later.

All the urgent decisions which were taken during this complicated night were concerning the respect of the runner’s and the volunteer’s safety on the ground, while also at the same time trying to ensure the possibility of your participation in a race.
In such a crisis situation, in the middle of the night and with a very fast evolution of information, communication is extremely difficult to organise. We are aware that many runners and volunteers lacked information, and we would like to apologise for this.
We receive very numerous testimonies of support, but we also know that your expectations are great.
You will understand that it is not possible for us to answer completely as soon as the end of the event. The passage «at the wrong moment« of this large disturbance is also a clear reminder, that nobody can guarantee that an event, in the mountains, can take place as expected. When registering for it, one also has to accept there is a risk that it might not take place.
However, we can already announce that the runners of the CCC® forced to stop their race at Vallorcine or Triente will nevertheless receive qualification points: 3 for those stopped at Vallorcine, 2 for those who were stopped in Triente. The finishers of the UTMB® which restarted in Courmayeur have acquired 3 points.
Concerning requests for refunds which have been formulated, all the expenses have to be taken in to account, so it will only be possible for us to answer when we have all the necessary elements. Questions have also been posed concerning registration for 2011; these will also be answered as soon as possible.
Thank you for your comprehension and we will be in touch soon.
For the Comité Directeur de l’Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc
Catherine Poletti, course director

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